In the pursuit of your singing success, there’s a natural tendency to focus so intensely on what you need to work on, that you forget to acknowledge what you have going for you that’s not only working but working well. It’s also important to have a clear, realistic understanding of your strong points so that they are recognized, affirmed, put to use, and showcased as often as possible.
Those strong points are a potential positive resource for personal power. The confidence, comfort and gratification that comes from engaging your strengths can be tapped to help you face fears and address insecurities or areas of discomfort that present challenges both on and off stage or in and out of the studio.
Take Five – At Least
Set aside some time to identify and honor your key strengths as you assess your role as a singer, singer-songwriter, or singing musician. You don’t want to be too analytical in this process. Your primary goal is to identify the strengths that give you a genuine sense of confidence, comfort, gratification, and satisfaction in your role as a singer, singer-songwriter or singing musician.
Strengths + Fears
Begin by answering this question. What are your five greatest strengths as a singer, singer-songwriter, or singing musician? After you have written down your top five strengths, then answer this next question. What are five of your greatest fears? Answer the question as it relates to your career-pursuit of singing success.
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Define Character
After writing down your five greatest fears, answer this next question as it applies to your career: what are your five strongest character traits? Think in terms of how you define character. It may be something as simple as you feel you are loyal or honest or trustworthy. It may be related to work ethic such as commitment or discipline. What do you feel are those five character traits that most clearly define you as an artist seeking a career in the music business and entertainment industry? You can also asses your character in terms of offstage behavior and personal walk outside of your career pursuits in this process if it helps.
Biggest Mistakes
Now, move on to the next question. What are the five biggest mistakes or most embarrassing moments you’ve had with music? This can be a school performance from kindergarten or your first gig as an opening act, or it might be a slipup that took place at a rehearsal.