The 7 Deadly Sins Guaranteed to Destroy Your Voice. Click Here to Learn more!


Vocal Therapy contains exercises that restore voices that have been damaged due to singing over-aggressively, strained due to yelling at a concert or sporting event, or have experienced sicknesses such as laryngitis, strep throat or other respiratory related illnesses.

Heal Your Voice

Backed By Scientific & Medical Research

Our Vocal Therapy program will help prevent a singer from getting vocal damage as well as aid in the recovery process. Vocal Therapy is a calculated hydration and exercise protocol designed to restore “trashed”, fatigued or allergy/reflux ridden voices back to reasonable health for emergency performances.

Here’s What You’ll Learn

“I developed the Singing Success Program after 30+ years of coaching. I’ve put my whole life into researching vocal techniques, studying anatomy, and (through trial and error) building a method that is sustainable and that gets results.

You'll Never Lose Your Voice Ever Again

Remember that time you lost your voice yelling at a concert? Or you had an “allergy” attack. Have any of these happened to you:

  • Lost your voice screaming at a concert
  • Had a sore throat (or even strep)
  • Felt “trashed” from an allergy/reflux attack

You are not alone!

I’ve had hundreds of singers approach me with these exact same issues, begging for help!

So, I developed a collection of exercises that have been PROVEN to restore your voice, heal past vocal damage, and prevent you from causing any more damage. This is what Vocal Therapy is all about.

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Brett Manning Discusses Vocal Therapy

Vocal Therapy

by Brett Manning

*DISCLAIMER- The following is not intended as medical advice and is my own opinion. If you experience pain or severe discomfort in speaking or singing, seek out medical help.

Should you even listen to me?

I want to start out by saying, as humbly as I can muster, that I’m perfectly situated to present vocal therapy concepts to singers.

In fact, I’ve spent the last 3 decades combining the art of singing with preventative techniques that are designed to sustain vocal cords and well as restore sick, injured, or incorrectly trained voices. In 2012, I started writing a program titled “Vocal Therapy” for the very purpose. The program was completed in 2015 and released in 2017. The results were… astounding!

If I sound a little surprised, it’s because I truly am. Every vocal therapy session I’ve done with my singers all had one thing in common… me! I was there, in person, listening closely for vocal faults, diagnosing and prescribing exercises that would help fix tough vocal issues. So, releasing a course that doesn’t listen back felt a little risky.

After working alongside a qualified speech language pathologist and a number of ENT’s (throat doctors), studying from their perspective and working together to restore voices, I’d done something that I wish someone had done for me…


Deconstructing my own methods, therapies, and exercises and giving the most ‘commonly’ effective exercises to singers, proved that we all can benefit from doing the things that historically restore voices. The testimonials continue to pour in regarding singers who had no voice in the morning, but plenty of voice by evening.

I’ll share some of these techniques with you here.

How to Treat Voice Disorders and Get Your Voice Back

If you are reading this, chances are that you have experienced vocal cord dysfunction, which is a weak voice from overuse or damaged vocal folds. You have come to the right place. We are here to help. Consider this a short therapy session to get your voice healthy.

Voice disorders affect everyday life. When you can’t speak, it makes communicating challenging. One of the most common reasons for searching for a vocal coach is out of necessity. This need comes from a lack of vocal function.

Our program, Vocal Therapy, can help restore voices that have been damaged or strained and can improve vocal function, help with speech disorders, and promote vocal fold wound healing. This program contains exercises that restore voices that have been damaged due to singing over-aggressively, strained due to yelling at a concert or sporting event, or have experienced sicknesses such as laryngitis, strep throat, or other respiratory-related illnesses.

Also, reflux… the silent killer of voices, which can eventually SCAR the vocal cords. Let’s not forget allergies, whether they are pollen and mold (airborne) or food allergies. Everything mentioned above causes inflammation and affects your voice! 

Even a neck injury or stress could cause muscle tension dysphonia. 


/disˈfōnēə/ difficulty in speaking due to a physical disorder of the mouth, tongue, throat, or vocal cords.

The illustration above compares healthy vocal cords with a number of vocal disorders.

How A Voice Therapy Program Can Strengthen Your Singing

Vocal strain (vocal overdoing) happens for a variety of reasons, such as illness, overuse, and improper technique. I once worked with one of Nashville’s top guitarists. He merely wanted to be an effective background singer. However, after working with me for several months, his voice became stellar, trustworthy, and developed a pleasing tone.

So he called me once in a panic. The artist he was playing guitar for was in rehearsals, and she could barely talk. However, I knew she could scream (she was cussing out the coach who hurt her voice) because that’s all I heard in the background. She’d tasted the forbidden fruit of a certain “belt-rock” type teacher who tried to triple her volume at the expense of her amazing, silky voice and ruined her.

They wanted me to fix her voice, but I could hear that she needed REST FIRST and then get away from yelling on pitch and go back to her old, reliable, safe natural singing voice.

She went on vocal rest for a month and VOILÀ! Her voice, thank God, returned. She never worked with me, and that’s fine. Her voice was near perfect already. She went on to win a grammy.

Straining, pushing, and yelling are common with singers and TOTALLY not necessary to make ear-pleasing tones.

Often, people abuse their voice when they speak loudly for long periods because they have vocally intense occupations. Or, they lack the proper amount of air support, causing the voice to tense up. Muscle tension dysphonia can be genetic or actually be caused by bad habits.

It’s important to see voice therapy techniques and speech therapy as similar since singing is sustained speech. But if your problems aren’t fixed through easy exercises—as most are—you may have some fundamental problem with how you speak. If this is the case, I highly recommend seeking out a number of speech-language pathologists and comparing principles, methods, and results.

What Voice therapy does for you

Voice therapy consists of diagnostics first and remedial exercises and new vocal behaviors to restore the voice. Some of the diagnostics will check for…

  • Bilateral vocal cord paralysis- both vocal folds struggle to vibrate, stretch, or coordinate.

  • Unilateral vocal fold paralysis- one vocal fold is working while the other vocal fold is struggling to vibrate, stretch, or coordinate.

  • Spasmodic dysphonia- the muscle tension dysphonia typically occurs in the muscles inside the ‘voice box’ or, more properly, the larynx and can be heard in the speaking voice and the singing voice. This problem can be lifelong, but a great coach working alongside a licensed speech-language pathologist can bring functionality to the voice. Also, my clients have often been surprised that, though private insurance companies vary, they can usually get most insurance companies to refer them to reputable certified speech-language pathologists that have had success.

  • Poor Breath Support- Other medical therapies vary, including respiratory therapy. If you cannot get a deep enough breath, you should ask your doctor if this is needed.

  • Nodules, cysts, polyps, vocal fold lesions- Anything affecting the surface of the vocal cords should have healthcare professionals working alongside coaches or speech therapists to determine when voice therapy is the best course. Or if simple voice surgery or even comprehensive surgical treatment is needed to fix an organic issue! Sometimes vocal fold paralysis can be surgically treated with vocal fold augmentation, which injects a substance into the aged or atrophied vocal cords to restore thickness.

After a month with a speech therapist, you’ll notice an ease and joy in using your voice again, and developing your singing voice will be less painful. Your voice quality should exponentially improve. Your endurance will improve greatly, and your certified speech-language pathologist should communicate with your voice coach to see if it’s time to start vocal training yet.

*Important reminder to have an insurance company cover voice therapy so you don’t go broke trying to fix your voice.

More than just therapy

I have developed multiple Singing Success courses, focusing on various areas of the voice after 30+ years of coaching. I’ve put my whole life into researching vocal techniques, studying anatomy, and (through the experience of learning what works) building a method that is sustainable and gets results.

So it turns out that great voice technique as a foundation can help shape healthy vocal behavior as a foundation, which will help you to NOT have to eliminate harmful vocal behavior later.

In fact, I knew a voice therapist who watched my master class decades ago and was stunned because she didn’t hear even one voice disorder amongst my singers. Great singing indeed frees up the voice.

A warning about when seeking a speech pathologist

Licensed speech-language pathologists aren’t always better than that unlicensed speech-language pathologists. Accreditation is respectable and OFTEN preferred. But results are the chief desire of voice therapy or speech therapy.

If you have a voice disorder, they should be able to help pinpoint the root cause and the solution.

You’ll Never Lose Your Voice Ever Again

Remember that time you lost your voice yelling at a concert? Or you had an “allergy” attack? Have any of these happened to you?

  • Lost your voice screaming at a concert

  • Had a sore throat (or even strep)

  • Felt “trashed” from an allergy/reflux attack

  • Strained for a high note

  • Strained your neck working out at the gym

You are not alone!

I’ve had hundreds of singers approach me with these exact same issues, begging for help!

So, as mentioned earlier, I developed a collection of exercises that have been PROVEN to restore your voice, heal past vocal damage, and prevent you from causing any more damage.

Heal Your Voice

Voice therapy can help alleviate voice disorders, stubborn vocal cords, spasmodic dysphonia (self-inflicted and sometimes genetic), and allow the body’s natural healing process to heal your voice. This is great news if you’re feeling helpless like so many have felt.

Backed By Scientific & Medical Research

This program has vocal exercises that will help prevent a singer from getting vocal damage and aid in the recovery process without any extreme surgical procedures. Vocal Therapy is a calculated hydration and exercise protocol designed to restore trashed, fatigued, or allergy/reflux-ridden voices back to reasonable health for emergency performances. Even singers who have had vocal nodules have been able to benefit from these lessons and vocal behaviors. 

Here’s What You Will Learn

  • how to restore tone quality

  • how to restore flexibility

  • how to reduce inflammation

  • and much more…

When Do You Need Vocal Therapy?

  • When you notice that the harder you try, the less you get out of your speaking or singing voice.

  • You’re a parent or teacher shouting over loud children. 

  • You’re having to talk loudly at the workplace because you’re surrounded by high-energy adults, and you feel like you have to talk louder to match their energy.

  • When everyone tells you that your singing used to have such a pleasing tone, and now you sound like you’re struggling.

Pain While Speaking or Singing

This is the most obvious symptom that will tell you voice therapy is necessary. But you have to have a patient commitment! The pain is not going away in a day. Sometimes neck surgery is the answer. If you have pain in the muscles of the neck, that can actually compromise your vocal cords because you start adding tension. Post neck surgery, quality should improve.

Weak or Quivering Voice

In my personal experience, this is almost always a sure tell sign of spasmodic dysphonia. But be sure and get seen by a reputable throat doctor or ENT who can see if it’s a vocal cord issue or some other muscle tension dysphonia triggering a spasmodic reflex. You may need a combination of speech therapy and voice therapy. Knowing what voice disorders we have is the first action step.

Also, this can be brought on by severe trauma, stress, or other emotional/psychological issues.

Breathy Voice

Many of my exercises fix this problem easily. But if it’s chronic, you definitely need voice therapy to fix the manner in which you speak.

Strained Voice

Have you ever seen someone flex their neck and jaw muscles when they sing or talk? Or, they turn red in the face, grimacing and pushing until the voice becomes strident or brittle sounding? Voice therapy should be sought immediately. If you are that person that has pushed or yelled, your first symptom could be the next of several voice disorders:


This is the quality of chronic raspiness or gravel in the voice. If you cannot project tonal clarity without distorting your tone, your troubles have set in. You MOST definitely need, or should I say NEEDED, voice therapy a LONG time ago!

To book a session with a voice coach or get a recommendation for a voice therapist, call us at 615-866-1099 or email us at