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4 Mental Blocks Affecting Your Singing

Some of your greatest obstacles to becoming an amazing singer have nothing to do with coordinating your voice. Removing mental blocks will make just as significant an impact on your singing as developing powerful high notes. The way you think affects the way you act, so wrong thinking about singing equals bad singing. 

Here are 4 mental blocks that detract from your singing:

1. “I have to sound like him/her in order to sound good.”

Imagine if Pavarotti thought he had to sound like Shakira. Don’t become so in love with one singer that you forget about all the other great and unique voices. The greatest problem with #1 is that it’ll cause you to imitate voices that may or may not be like your own, which creates terrible results.

2. “If I don’t hide (this part of my voice), then people will think I’m awful.”

What if Louis Armstrong had hidden his quirky growly sound on “What a Wonderful World” because he thought people wouldn’t like it? Embrace the unique characteristics of your voice. The problem with #2 is that it keeps singers from playing to their strengths. 


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3. “I’m not interesting enough to just be myself.”

Not true! Some artists just don’t know the things that make them interesting. The combination of things you like and dislike musically are uniquely your own; Use your taste to create your own sound. The problem with #3 is that it destroys a singer’s confidence and gives them a feeling of inadequacy.  

4. “I won’t be great until I can do everything perfectly.”

Not everyone had the skills that Michael Jackson did as a child. Find videos of Ariana Grande, Rihanna, or Bruno Mars when they were younger and you’ll see that they didn’t start out great. Just start singing already! The problem with #4 is that it mistakenly assumes perfection is what makes a singer great. 

Word of Warning

Don’t get the impression that removing mental blocks is more important than mastering vocal technique. Without good technique, you won’t become your best. Too many singers neglect vocal training to their own demise. However, eliminating mental blocks is necessary to master your voice.

Benny Meza is a Master Associate at Brett Manning Studios in Nashville, TN. He’s taught over 7,000 vocal lessons and has worked with clients from Warner Music, RCA, Universal Music Group, and many others.

Book a Skype or In-Person lesson with Benny today!