One of the challenges many face on the road to singing success is a lack of follow up or follow through. For some, it’s a case of not knowing what the next step is. For others, they know what the next step requires and either don’t want to do it, want to find a way around it, don’t agree with it, or fear they can’t do it.
Follow up and follow through are obviously critical to your growth and the advancement of your career as a singer, singer-songwriter, or singing musician. If you don’t follow up or follow through, you get stuck, get discouraged, stagnate, and can even give up.
Commit To Action
If you don’t commit to doing the necessary work to engage and enhance your gifts, you will eventually suffer some consequences. Others may assume that you don’t take yourself or your gifts seriously. For some people, follow up and follow through become tasks or objectives that are assigned to others.
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This perspective of relegating certain tasks to others for your career development is understandable to a point. For example, many artists don’t necessarily have marketing skills. But, if you know this is a weakness that may be hampering your ability to get seen and heard, you need to hook up with someone that has these abilities. So, making the effort to engage smart, targeted networking is clearly part of follow up and follow through, if there are skill sets that are not part of your expertise.
Get Around What’s Blocked
Many very gifted, genuinely sensitive singers, singer-songwriters, and singing musicians will get stuck or blocked because of their reluctance to follow up or follow through. Think of how many situations you’ve been in where maybe you were told you need to find a vocal coach or get a program such as Mastering Mix. But you keep putting it off. Yet you’ve seen the results achieved by someone you know.
Determine The Next Step
For those of you who write or play in a band, think of times you’ve collaborated successfully, but then you’ve done nothing outside of getting together to capitalize on that success. You need to determine the next step. It may be a demo session or a showcase at a local venue. So you need to ask yourself, how do we get this done? What will it cost? What do we need to work on? And then, map out a game plan, with a checklist, and follow up and follow through by taking the appropriate action.
All of this sounds obvious. But stop and think about how many times you’ve been advised to do certain things to advance your career that you’re still reluctant to engage or you choose to ignore. Then, ask yourself what the pay off is for not taking action. What is it appealing to or reinforcing? Why are you reluctant? What’s stopping you from taking the next step?