After surveying the top traits of effective teachers, a number of key traits or qualities kept coming up over and over. These qualities transcend culture, skill level, and even subject matter or discipline. When you think of those teachers and coaches that have had the greatest impact on you, many of these same qualities and skills will likely come to mind.
Whether it was high school or kindergarten, youth soccer or college intramural basketball, piano or band, art or algebra, the teachers that have the greatest impact inspire and encourage both self-discipline and a desire to get better, wiser or stronger. The best teachers always find a way to motivate a student, no matter how demanding or seemingly impossible the situation, or how inexperienced or poorly trained the student may be.
Team Brett
Brett Manning and his associates strive for excellence in themselves as they teach and coach. Each has a passion and love for singing that is only exceeded by their passion and love for bringing out the full potential in those they teach.
For Brett, teaching is an extension of his passion for learning. He and his associates are constantly engaged in research and open exploration of new concepts and approaches that further sharpen and refine already effective tools and methods that are a part of Singing Success, Mastering Mix, and other program offerings.
Insider Info
Brett and each of his associates bring another valuable quality to each student with their experience as performers and in other areas of the entertainment industry. So, you get insider information that can help you develop some business savvy while strengthening and refining your vocal chops.
Brett also understands the importance of maintaining a relaxed but intense environment when teaching. An effective teacher is one who freely engages in humor, has genuine care and concern for the student’s trials and triumphs, but is also unshakably serious about the work at hand and holding students to the fire so that the refining process is engaged.
Listen Up
The best teachers also have strong listening skills. Brett takes that skill much deeper as he helps his associates and students heighten their self-awareness and their ability to identify and address key issues that need to be worked on to become stronger singers, better performers, and more confident in the pursuit of all aspects of singing success.
Brett has an uncanny ability to identify problems, bad habits, and potential strengths just by listening to someone speak for a few moments.
“It’s as if I’m able to see with my ears down into their throat,” he has said on many occasions.
The diagnostic skills of Brett’s associates have been enhanced by his teaching and are further refined through study and hands on experience with students.
Many of Brett Manning’s certified associates arrive at his studio with years of training, performance experience, and exposure to a variety of voice training techniques that have some value. Some have been vocal coaches or teachers for several years.
Sharon Rowntree
BMA vocal coach Sharon Rowntree is a prime example of someone whose day to day life has been inspired, encouraged, and shaped by performing as a singer while also teaching others to sing better. Sharon teaches at her home studio in Sanctuary Cove on Australia’s Gold Coast in Queensland. The popular entertainer stars in her tribute to legendary singer, Dusty Springfield and other dynamic diva’s of the 1960’s.
“Brett is so creative with his approach it has definitely freed my teaching up,” Sharon shared. “ You focus on the sound you can make, and you don’t get hung up on trying to sing. When you concentrate on sounding like something or someone, you just get all messed up. You use the wrong muscles and lose the feeling and soul in your sound.”