Fear is the number one killer of confidence. Whether it’s stage fright or feeling like you won’t fit in or aren’t good enough, fear is clearly debilitating. Granted we all struggle with issues of insecurity on some level, but by not confronting fear we never get to operate at, or even approach, an optimum level of performance.
Yet, for a singer and others in the arts, the creative gift can be used to help counter personal fears and issues with poor self-esteem. For many, the stronger you become as a singer and the more experience you gain with performing, the more confident and comfortable you become in your daily tasks away from taking center stage.
This fear can keep you from performing as a singer at your best level. The key to building self-confidence is to take action by following through on clear choices to take control of your life and career. The following are five suggestions on things to try that can help you boost your feelings of confidence and enhance a positive, desired self-image.
Inventory Assets
Take time to make a list of at least five positive qualities you feel you have as a singer, performer, and friend or person. After working through your lists, ask three people who you know well to identify your strengths or positive character traits as a person and also as an artist. Then, compile a list of those traits.
Make note of the ones that showed up most frequently. Then, make note of examples of times when you know that trait or quality has generated something positive in your life. It could be a special performance, an introduction to a friend, or an opportunity that opened a door for you.
You want these traits to be specific and have images and experiences that shore up these qualities and aspects of your personal and professional persona. Create a wall hanging, song, piece of art – something to serve as a tangible, physical reminder and tribute to these positive aspects of what you bring to life’s table. You want to keep this on hand to remind you of the positive impact you have.
Supreme Makeovers
Grab a photo or several photos of yourself and take a long look at them as you search for things you’d like to change, improve, or eliminate altogether. Listen to a favorite recording of one of your performances – or record yourself singing your favorite song. Then, listen to the recording.
Make note of anything that makes you uneasy about listening to or looking at yourself. Once you’ve completed your list of changes to make in your appearance or singing, make note of one specific step you can take for each to start you on your supreme makeover to become more confident and comfortable with yourself as a singer, performer, and person. Also look for any connections or commonalities between things prompted by listening to yourself or by looking at your photos.
Run the results by someone you trust so that the issues you have with yourself seem reasonable and nothing is either self-destructive or otherwise irrational. You want your perceptions to be grounded in reality. You want your solutions and steps to make improvements to be healthy and reasonable.
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Fear is the number one killer of confidence. Whether it’s stage fright or feeling like you won’t fit in or aren’t good enough, fear is clearly debilitating. Granted we all struggle with issues of insecurity on some level, but by not confronting fear we never get to operate at, or even approach, an optimum level of performance.
Yet, for a singer and others in the arts, the creative gift can be used to help counter personal fears and issues with poor self-esteem. For many, the stronger you become as a singer and the more experience you gain with performing, the more confident and comfortable you become in your daily tasks away from taking center stage.
This fear can keep you from performing as a singer at your best level. The key to building self-confidence is to take action by following through on clear choices to take control of your life and career. The following are five suggestions on things to try that can help you boost your feelings of confidence and enhance a positive, desired self-image.